ATLANTA, March 20, 2020 (Newswire.com) - Panel Built, modular construction provider for 25 years, now offers a way for medical facilities to create and expand their infectious patient isolation areas with modular Isolation rooms. With the growing Coronavirus pandemic spreading across the United States and internationally, Panel Built’s modular isolation rooms are a convenient solution for hospitals that need to increase their single-occupancy, isolation space as quickly as possible. Using a panelized wall system, the isolation rooms are fully fabricated in Panel Built’s modular construction facilities. The components are then delivered and assembled on site. This design allows for prefabricated, quickly assembled isolation rooms that have fully customized layouts and designs.
Like modular clean rooms, Panel Built’s isolation rooms offer options, (where situations warrant), for HVAC systems with fan filter units (FFUs) to keep the room at appropriate temperatures and constantly filter particles with HEPA filtration and UV light from the environment’s air supply with the numerous air exchanges per hour. Unlike most manufactured clean rooms, patient isolation rooms can be customized with a negative pressure environment for patients who may have an impaired immune system and may be a carrier for other infectious diseases that are airborne spread rather than the droplet Coronavirus. Diseases such as TB, Measles, Mumps, Varicella and other respiratory infections fall into the airborne category. When the negative pressure isolation room is needed, the air pressure inside the isolation room is lower than entrance anteroom to keep air flowing into the patient isolation room instead of out, thus keeping any contaminants or particles from escaping the room. All isolation rooms should be used in conjunction with proper staff and equipment sanitizing and hospital contamination control procedures.
M.R. Secure Sales LLC spokesman stated the following, "There are 330 million persons in the USA. Predictions are, over the next 12-18 months, approximately 1% of the USA population (if tested) may be infected with the Coronavirus. If proper protocol is to be followed, 3.3 million isolation rooms may be needed in the USA alone. The nation's largest hospitals in total may currently have fewer than several thousand isolation rooms."
Source: Panel Built